Visit the Gill Room

The Gill Room is available to use whenever the library is open. Check in at the library’s circulation desk, and they will provide access for self-guided research and exploration. Appointments can be made if you are looking for a more structured guide of the room and materials we have.

All archival materials must be used in the library, as a majority of materials are fragile and irreplaceable. In order to protect the archives, the Gill Room is kept locked at all times. 

  • Users must sign the Gill Room log at the main circulation desk. 
  • All material must be handled gently with care and concern for its preservation.
  • The Gill Room cannot be used for tutoring.
  • Photocopying of some of the local history collection is permitted as long as the copying is in compliance with federal copyright laws.
  • Researchers must obtain permission from staff before photocopying anything from the Gill Room Collection. Fees apply (for ink and paper). 
  • Food and drink are not permitted in the Gill Room.
  • The library reserves the right to ask users to leave bags, purses, backpacks, briefcases or other personal belongings at the circulation desk.
  • Laptops and digital cameras are permitted. No flash photography is allowed. 
  • Patrons are asked to leave the materials they have used on the table in the Gill Room so that staff members can re-shelve items in the proper place and keep track of the number of items used.